How to Choose The Right Safety Gate For Your Kid

How to Choose The Right Safety Gate For Your Kid

If you have a baby getting ready to crawl, a safety gate can keep you sane and keep your baby safe. There are a wide variety of safety gates available for just about any space you can imagine. Doing a little bit of research can help you find the perfect gate for protecting your baby and complementing the look of your space.

Getting Started With Safety Gates

Safety gates come in both hardware mounted styles and pressure mounted styles that can each be useful for different parts of the home. The best gates use close vertical slats or mesh to keep a baby or toddler from climbing over the gate. Look for gates that are certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association to make sure the gate you buy meets international safety standards. JPMA certified gates should have a certification sticker on the package or on the frame.

The Types of Safety Gates Available

There are two basic types of safety gates you can buy: hardware mounted gates and pressure mounted gates. Hardware mounting gives a great more stability and makes it harder for a toddler to tip over, while pressure mounting is easier to set up the gate and take it down later without damaging the space.

Hardware Mounted Gates

  • Attached To The Wall - Hardware mounted safety gates are necessary for spaces where there is a drop on the other side of the gate, like staircases. These gates are mounted to the frame behind the drywall for added safety.
  • Quality Materials - Hardware mounted safety gates are generally made out of high quality wood, steel coated with enamel or tubing made out of aluminum. These materials make hardware gates an expensive option, but they are hard to break and can easily match the surrounding decor.

Pressure Mounted Gates

  • Portable - Pressure mounted safety gates can come on and off the wall without causing permanent damage. These gates are a great choice for door frame sized spaces where falling isn't a hazard.
  • Many Materials - Pressure mounted gates generally have frames made out of everything from composite plastic to wood or steel and everything from slats to mesh and plastic keeping children on one side of the gate.

Typical Safety Gate Features

  • Height - Safety gates are all at least 22 inches tall, but some gates are much taller. Tall gates can protect a baby for a longer period of time than short gates, since children will climb over short gates once the gate is less than three quarters of their height.
  • Latches - Most hardware gates and some pressure gates come with latching doors to allow older children and adults to use the corridor without stepping over the gate. Latches vary from model to model, and some come with indicators that make it clear with a sound or a colored area whether the gate is latched or unlatched.
  • Installation Options - Hardware gates often have options for attaching the gate to odd corners, banisters, or other unusual locations. Sometimes these options are sold separately in a kit designed for using that specific gate in a non-standard location.
  • Construction - Safety gates come made with a variety of different materials. The best gates are constructed out of high quality coated steel, aluminum or wood. Hardware gates usually include the strongest materials and sturdiest construction because they are designed to protect a child from greater levels of danger.

Safety Gate Brands

Safety gates are sold by a variety of different brands. Brands that sell safety gates include Cardinal Gate, Dream Baby, Evenflo, Gateway Manufacturing, Kidco, Lasco, Munchkin, North States Industries, Regalo, Retract-A-Gate, Safety 1st, Summer Infant and The First Years. Many of these brands are available at a variety of popular locations.

Safety Gate Shopping Tips

These simple tips can help you find the right gate for your child.

  • Accordion style second hand safety gates are dangerous and no longer meet product safety standards.
  • Measure your door frames and gate locations before you start shopping.
  • Make sure you get a gate tall enough for your child.
  • Choose gate locations before you start shopping for gates.
  • Pick out portable pressure gates for keeping with you when visiting friends.
  • Check out the construction of gates you are considering to make sure it will stand up to your child.