How To Choose The Right MP3 Player For Your Travels

How To Choose The Right MP3 Player For Your Travels

When it comes to finding the best MP3 player, buyers have plenty of options to choose from. While at the core it might seem like all MP3 players simply store music and play it at the touch of a button, there are many other options that should be kept in mind throughout the purchasing process. If you are not sure where to begin, here is some insight and to help you find the best MP3 for your specific purposes. Whether your budget is $50 or $500, you can use this information to find the music player that is best for you.

Where To Start With The MP3 Player Search

MP3 players have changed the way that people listen to music. In less than two decades, we’ve gone from having to physically rewind our favorite tape decks to find our favorite songs, to holding our CD players completely still in order to avoid skipping, to now having a player that can easily store hundreds of songs without any sort of physical copy. Although all MP3 players will make listening to music easier, that doesn’t mean that all devices are the same. Some offer massive amounts of space that can store thousands of songs, some are so small that they can fit indiscreetly inside your pocket, and others will double as your cell phone or multi-purpose smart device. When you are looking to purchase your first MP3 player, there are a few considerations that you should make:

  • Storage: How much space do you need to have on your MP3 player? Storage on MP3 players are based off of gigabits, or GB, so this is a number that you should look at depending on your personal needs. For the true audiophiles out there, you may want to purchase an MP3 player that has upwards of 500GB or more to store all of your favorite music. On the other hand, some people may be looking to simply store one album’s worth of music, and then switch it out whenever they need something new.
  • Functionality: Most people are familiar with the iPod and how it changed the way that most people listen to music. The first iPod was created with such a unique design that made it so easy to scan tracks, rewind or fast-forward, or even play a few select games. Thanks to the first generation iPod, the entire idea of MP3 player functionality has changed.

There are plenty of MP players out there that offer touchpads that allow for users to navigate through their music library. These are quite common, and touchpads are also a way for people to save money because the technology is a bit less expensive than touchscreens. That being said, many of the big name MP3 players, such as the iPod, are transitioning into touchscreens because they are easier for users to control.

  • Apps: Another reason that many MP3 players now offer touchscreen functionality is because they also offer apps from within the device. If you are someone who wants an MP3 player that also works as your contact book, calendar, or even fitness buddy, then this is something that you’ll have to consider.
  • Multi-Purpose Functionality: An MP3 is great for music, but that just scratches the surface of what a digital player can do. In fact, many smartphones that are available on the market also double as MP3 players as well. That said, many individuals enjoy having a device that is dedicated to music storage, which will free up room on your smartphone.

How To Decide Which MP3 Player Is Best For You

In order to determine which MP3 player is best for you, you’ll want to think about your personal situations. What is your budget? How many GBs of storage do you need? Do you want apps or smartphone functionality? The more of these questions that you can answer, the more easily you will be able to tailor the type of player that is best for you. The great news is that there is so many MP3 options to choose from, which means that you can truly specify everything that it is that you are looking for. If you keep these common features in mind during your selection process, you’ll be able to find the best device for you.